Reasons To Order A Driving Record Before Shopping For Auto Insurance

It can feel like insurance companies set car insurance rates arbitrarily, but they actually use an array of proven, scientific data based ...

It can feel like insurance companies set car insurance rates arbitrarily, but they actually use an array of proven, scientific data based on risk assessment to determine their premiums.
And, driving records are one of the tools utilized by insurers.


Why Purchase a Driving Record?

Car insurance companies rely on driving history records because they can be an accurate predictor of future behavior. If you have a record littered with traffic infractions and accidents, it's unlikely you'll suddenly become a careful driver who obeys all safety laws.
So, an insurer will want to investigate your driving record, see how many points you've accumulated, and how you got them (such as failing to yield, speeding, hit-and-run, driving under the influence, etc.) as part of the policy application evaluation.
Now, if you have a sparkling driving history not even blemished by a minor moving violation, you might assume you're in good shape. You'd figure there wouldn't be any need to buy a copy of your driving record prior to applying for a new auto insurance policy, right?
Well, in theory, that's true. In reality, it's not.
Just like with credit reports, mistakes can be made on driving histories. One little clerical error can transform a clean record into one few insurers would want to take on. It can also change a less-than-perfect record into a strictly "high-risk" insurance situation.
Instead of finding a long list of carriers eager to have you as a customer, you could face a string of denied applications or sky-high premium offers. And, in the process, waste your time while your stress increases as you wonder what's wrong.
Buying your driving record gives you the opportunity to correct mistakes on your record before insurance companies have the chance to see it. As you can tell, this can make a significant difference.


Where to Order Driving Records

You can order your driving history record through your state's driver licensing department. The ordering methods vary (some allow you to do so online) but the fees are generally minor.
However, you can also usually purchase your driving report through a third-party provider. While this costs more, you might get your report faster.

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