KTM Wheel

You'll recall that I bent the front wheel on the EXC during the Black and Blue Enduro. Well I thought I had a good replacement wheel, bu...

You'll recall that I bent the front wheel on the EXC during the Black and Blue Enduro. Well I thought I had a good replacement wheel, but it wound up not working out. In the mean time I got a new "take-off" rim and laced it to the old hub. I borrowed a truing stand and dial indicator and got started with the wheel truing process.
Since I don't do this very often, it takes me awhile to re-learn the routine, but I finally got it pretty close.
One of my frustrations was finding any specifications for radial and axial runout. I finally found a site that claims that the OEM specs for most new wheels are .015 to .018 for either dimension. I've gotten this wheel within that, so I guess I'm satisfied.

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