Upcoming Guest blogger series

I'm very excited to announce that this week 5 lovely bloggers will be guest posting here at Modern Jane! I was thrilled when each of the...

I'm very excited to announce that this week 5 lovely bloggers will be guest posting here at Modern Jane! I was thrilled when each of these lovely women agreed to share their thoughts on 2011 design trends.

We are often bombarded by trends in design and in fashion. Choosing to follow them or to what degree we follow is what makes our own style so unique. For me, the best part about decorating and design, it that it is so individual!

A color, pattern, finish, or style may really resonate with you and find its way into your home decor. Other things may peak your interest, but would never work in your home. Inevitably, there are trends that you shy away from them.

The idea of the series is to share what these bloggers foresee being the popular trends this year and what it is that makes them excited about them. And, of course which ones they are ready to lay to rest! That is what is so great about design. Some trends appeal to us and and other trends not at all. Yet, we are able to appreciate what how others perceive them and make them work in their own homes!

Stay tuned this week to see what these great bloggers have to say!

Hot in Week


