Loving, This Week...

It has been one of those weeks were I thought I was going to get so much done! Sadly, that didn't happen. However, I did spend lots of t...

It has been one of those weeks were I thought I was going to get so much done! Sadly, that didn't happen. However, I did spend lots of time with people I love and I feel rested and ready to go back to work (Ok.. not really, but kinda..)
Here are some of my favorite things from around the blogosphere this week, from some of my more productive blogger friends:)

Amber Interior's DIY cloud art. She took pictures of clouds and had them blown up for $30 and placed in a Ribba frame. Here is a glimpse in her amazing dining room.

One smart girl! Check out her awesome blog here.

Elsa's home tour over at Made by Girl! This girl is not afraid to use color and it totally works.

Her blog is great too, so head over and check it out!

Danielle Oakey's master bedroom makeover. I love the frames over her dresser. The whole room is so fresh and bright and she did it all for $585. I really like it and it's inspired me to get going on finishing my guest room!

Check out her blog here.

Maybe I'll get a rush of inspiration and a kick and the butt to create something wonderful to share... but for now, it's fun to be inspired by all the talent out there! I am impressed every single day!

Enjoy the weekend everyone. Cross your fingers that the snow that fell last night doesn't stick around:)

Hot in Week


