FaqME : Free FAQ and 'Contact Us' page for your website

FaqMe is a service that makes it easy to create a nice FAQ page and "contact us" system for your website.The service offering by ...

FaqMe is a service that makes it easy to create a nice FAQ page and "contact us" system for your website.The service offering by the site is absoloutly FREE and easy to use.When you register an account in FaqMe.you will get a unique link like www.faqme.com/YOURUSERNAME .In that page you can create a list of questions and answers about your webpage.There is a nice default CONTACT US option in that page.You can edit the layout according to your taste.You can add HTML tags and image to your FaqMe page.If you have any FAQ about FaqMe visit their FAQ page : http://faqme.com/faqme :)

Frequently Asked Questions - A nicely designed, simple FAQ that's easy to update.
Drag & Drop Re-Ordering - Sort your FAQ however you like.
Stats - Crazy stats that show which questions your users are reading, how long they're spending on your page, and more.
"Contact Us" - A form whereby your users can send you messages.
Inbox - An interface whereby you can respond to aforementioned messages and track conversations. You can conversate privately with users, or post replies to your public FAQ if you think they'd be helpful to others. This is a good way to make sure you're FAQ is up-to-date.
Multiple FAQs - If you have more than one site, you can manage all your FAQs in one place.

For more details visit site @ www.faqme.com

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