Pending Vigilance Certificate/Major-Minor Penalty Certificate & APAR Certificate for preparation of panel of PPS
Most Immediate No.5/26/2010-CS.II Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & ...
Most Immediate
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan, New Delhi
Dated the 23rd November, 2011.
Office Memorandum
Reference is invited to this Deptt’s OMs of even number dated 11/8/2011, 23/9/2011, 24/10/2011 & 2/11/2011 wherein cadre units were requested to send the Vigilance Clearance & Major/Minor penalty certificate for the last 10 years in respect of PPS (ad-hoc)/PSs who are likely to be in the zone of consideration for regular promotion to the grade of PPS for the select List Year 2010. Cadre Units/Individuals concerned were also requested to certify that the APAR/ACR for the year 2008-2009 has been seen by the concerned officer and the officer has nothing to represent against the final grading given by the Reporting Officer.
2. Despite above mentioned reminders and lapse of considerable time, some of the cadre units/individuals, as per the enclosed Annexure, are yet to furnish the information, which is required to be forwarded to UPSC for preparation of panel of PPS for SL year 2010. All cadres units/concerned individuals are, therefore, requested to send the requisite information and also contact the retired officers for obtaining the APAR certificate urgently and latest by 25th November 2011 to this Department, failing which this Department would be constraint to forward the proposal to UPSC excluding names of the officers mentioned in the Annexure.
(Rajiv Manjhi)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt of India