Little By Little.

Things are starting to come together around here. While much of Stephane's furniture was sold, it is the kitchen supplies, accessories, ...

Things are starting to come together around here. While much of Stephane's furniture was sold, it is the kitchen supplies, accessories, art, and clothes that we've had to contend with. We are far from finished in some ways, but I feel that we are more organized than ever and that feels good. Our project list has grown substantially too, but we love all that stuff so it's all good. (I promised Steph a nice break though before we get going on anything!)

Living with clutter makes me a little anxious. Steph is a machine when it comes to putting things away. I'm a good cleaner and I like to make things pretty, one spot at a time. What a team! Ha!

It has literally has come down to tackling one room, one cupboard, or one closet at at time. Here is a little glimpse of how things have been looking.

And here it is now... ahh... so much better!

I love our little framed print of useful information. Steph found it in an old book and framed it. Just in case you need to calculate the circumference of a circle or British Imperial gallons... hey, you just never know! :)

I love that you can see the reflection of another corner of "stuff". Like I said, little by little!

Did I ever mention that I love love love tulips? Is there a more simple sweet flower? The island grown
ones were on special at Superstore and who could resist on a Friday afternoon with a storm brewing outside? Not me, they bring a little sunshine to my life ;)

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