90di : Travel search engine for travelers in India(train,bus and flight)

90di Travel is a travel search engine for travelers in India. It aggregates information from all the Airlines in India and the Indian Railw...

90di Travel is a travel search engine for travelers in India. It aggregates information from all the Airlines in India and the Indian Railways. It combines the train and flight routes to show numerous traveling route possibilities to the user! Also it connects directly to the Airlines and Railways to get seat availability information in real-time.

This site has option to search flight fares, train routes, reservation details, train fare & and time table. Search online bus booking. Book directly at IRCTC and airlines website.The results are very fast. Very interesting idea and quite convenient for planning long journeys.

You just have to type type places you need to travel,For example if you type " Cochin to Trivandrum" and it will automatically understand your query. You don't have to select multiple drop downs, dates etc.Result will show you all available option between the given queries.

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The above results shows the available trains from Cochin (from both stations) to Trivandrum.Result includes stations arrival and departure time,cost of ticket etc

Visit site @ http://www.90di.com

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