Door Dilemma.

I've been trying to get some painting done on the front porch. I'm feeling the pressure of the return to work looming and I really t...

I've been trying to get some painting done on the front porch. I'm feeling the pressure of the return to work looming and I really thought I'd get it all done before then. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and my paint brush handy!
I wanted to get all the paint on the house, posts and railings first then I was excited to give my front door a fresh coat of paint as a finishing touch. However. It seems that everyone seems to love it which leads me to think that I should definitely not change it.
Here is the thing. I painted that door 2 years ago. I had seen this door on Design Sponge home tour and had to have it. 

I couldn't get the same color so I made a guess. Here is  my version. It's called Calypso Green:

I remember my parents coming by after I painted it and they were snickering that it was a little "bright". I liked it instantly but it seemed to take a little while for others to come around. Maybe the color mellowed a little?

Sometimes when I tell people where I live they say "oh! The house with the green door!" I don't know if that means they like it or they don't :)

And as I've posted progress pictures of the porch, I've had several inquiries about the door color and lots of compliments!

So now to decide. I do like the color and especially love that it's versatile with each season. Fun in the summer, perfect in the fall with a pot of mums and Christmas friendly too! So I should keep it, right? But sometimes you just need a change! Something to freshen things up around here. A soft grey-blue would be so pretty! So I should change it, right?

What do you think? Keep it? Change it?

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