33 Cool Kitchen Pantry Design Ideas

 What can be stored in a pantry? Whatever you want: jams, pickles, pasta, sauces, cookbooks, wine, and all other types of food can be stored...

 What can be stored in a pantry? Whatever you want: jams, pickles, pasta, sauces, cookbooks, wine, and all other types of food can be stored without a refrigerator and households. You can even put a washing machine, ironing board and iron if you Have not dedicated laundry room.

There are many different approaches to the design cellar. For example if it is a separate room can have doors that make it look like a built-in cabinet, or is it just separated by curtains. Pantry can be part of the kitchen itself. It can even be a large closet with tags on the inside.

Here are some pantry design ideas that I hope can help.

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