Borneo Press

Platform : Blogger / Blogspot Template Name : Borneo Press Blogger Template Template Author : Borneo Templates Url Author : www.borneote...

Platform : Blogger / Blogspot
Template Name : Borneo Press Blogger Template
Template Author : Borneo Templates
Url Author :
Template Designer : Herdiansyah Hamzah
Url Designer :
Template Sponsorship : Wordpress Themes Labs

Template Description : Borneo is premium blogger template with automatic featured slideshow, beautiful menu horisontal dropdown, 5 column footer, auto readmore with thumbnail resize keep aspect ratio, related post ready, share button ready on postpage, adsense and SEO ready, hosted image on blogger, best view on Mozilla, Chrome, Opera, IE 6,IE 7,IE 8 and IE 9, SEO friendly blogger title hack installed to help you rank higher in Google, and more.

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  • Automatic featured slideshow widget (you do not have to put code manually again). This widget make you easy to customize your news update with your labels or categories.
  • Menu navigation dropdown with to words. Support for all browser.
  • Automatic readmore with thumbnail resize and keep image aspect ratio.
  • Related post ready on post page.
  • Button office ready (print, email and pdf)
  • Share button ready on post page (twitter, facebook, linkedin and google plus)
  • This template is SEO ready.
  • Hosted all image background on blogger hosting.
  • Best view on all browser (mozilla, chrome, opera and internet explorer all version)
  • This template have just one purchase option, single use license only. 
  • Do not remove the credit link on footer section
  • This template only be used at most 3 domains or sub domains
  • This template protected by law. Every one can not steal.the source code or copy the design layouts from this template. Steal or copy is meaning copyrights violence.
If you interested to use this template, you can buy with PayPal by pressing button below
After the payment process, please confirm your transaction with send email to info [at] Do not forget to attach your name, email and your country. Thank you.

Best Regards,
Borneo Templates

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