Directorate of Estates takes various initiatives to streamline government accommodation

Directorate of Estates in the Ministry of Urban Development has been mandated the job of providing official residential accommodation to off...

Directorate of Estates in the Ministry of Urban Development has been mandated the job of providing official residential accommodation to officers working in eligible offices. With a view to augment availability of residential accommodation of higher types, the following pro-active initiative have been taken by Directorate Estates over the last one year.

The Government is conscious of the acute shortage of residential accommodation to its officers in Delhi. Towards this, New Moti Bagh Residential project has been completed under PPP mode by NBCC. This has provided much relief to the senior officers of the Government. The Government is in advance stage of considering and approving another PPP project for re-development of East Kidwai Nagar. In the East Kidwai Nagar, it is proposed to develop another 4747 units of Government residential accommodation, with majority of accommodation in lower types i.e. Tye-IV and below. In addition to this, the Government is also constructing houses on the DDU Marg.

It was seen that on many occasions the officials who were allotted flats were not vacating houses on transfer/retirement. This was further adding to the scarcity in allotting flats to the eligible officials. The Ministry of Urban Development (Directorate of Estates) is taking action to ensure eviction of unauthorized occupants from Government flats/houses. During the calendar year 2011, 815 unauthorized occupants were evicted.

During the period from January to December, 2011, a total of 520 allotments were cancelled on account of subletting against 306 cancellations in the year 2010. The cancellation of allotment is being pursued to ensure vacation of the house. Already 350 houses have been got vacated till December, 2011.

During the period January to December, 2011, an amount of about Rs.4.70 crores have been recovered on account of damages i.e. penal rent on account of unauthorized occupation. It is mentioned that earlier, while sending notices for recovery of outstanding dues, a notice was also sent to the family members of late Smt. Indrani Devi showing an outstanding dues of Rs.1.98 crores. On further examination of documents, it has been established that House No.6. Krishna Menon Marg was vacated on 30.11.2002 by the family members of late Smt. Indrani Devi and, therefore, the demand notice for Rs.1.98 crores has been withdrawn.


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