Travel log : Portland, Oregon

We had a really nice time for Spring Break in the Pacific Northwest. Here are a few tidbits from our trip of my favorite places and moments ...

We had a really nice time for Spring Break in the Pacific Northwest. Here are a few tidbits from our trip of my favorite places and moments along the way.

1. I used to think traveling with kids was a breeze. Our oldest is and always has been an excellent traveller, we don't know if it is because we took her lots of places when she was tiny or what, but we really lucked out on her wanderlust nature.

2. Ahem... enter child #2 (India) she is not a happy traveller AT ALL and has been that way ever since she was born. Sometimes I don't think she likes to be moving unless it is with her own two feet. In fact, it is quite insane and comical how unruly she is on a plane and in the airport. Tantrums to the hilt, the whole nine yards and boy it is a little embarrassing. We even resorted to the backup 'code red' emergency lolli. (I rarely give her sugar - so it is an extra treat) which only lasted for a few quiet minutes. Do you have a child that travels one way or the other?

3 Shortly after we arrived we stopped by the lovely shop Canoe in Portland. It is such an amazing shop and has to be added to my list of my all time favorites. It is impeccable curated and my husband really enjoyed it as well. We took turns waiting with the kiddos in the car as we each ran in and out, do you ever travel that way? We picked up a few treasures, some great gifts for the future, and we both added items to our wish list.

4. Across the street and close by to Canoe is another wonderfully curated gem called Alder & Co. It quickly became another top notch favorite and I was equally charmed by the items, layout and shop owner who I chatted with for a bit. I picked up some Fog Linen Trays and Common Good Dish Soap and pretty much wanted to add almost the entire store to my wish list, no joke. It is really fabulous. Next time I hope to pop into Gruner next door for a bite to eat, it also looked really great.

5. Circling back to Portland at the end of our trip, I heard about the buzz for Pok Pok and just the two girls and I went and it couldn't have been a better experience. The covered and heated outdoor patio was perfect and cozy for us, the staff was beyond kind and the food was sensational. Next time I'm in Portland I can't wait to take Mac and my sister-in-law and family here to try it again.

Thanks for all of your Portland tips, we hope to hit up this city again real soon. What shouldn't be missed next time around?

(// photos by Black Eiffel, except for 2 product photos from Alder & Co.)

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