Our Stone Garden.
This week, it was time to start the landscaping around the deck. We knew we wanted a more modern look so decided to go with perennial grasse...

This week, it was time to start the landscaping around the deck. We knew we wanted a more modern look so decided to go with perennial grasses and stone. I'll admit I was nervous, I love flowers and mulched gardens but felt a different look would suit the design of our deck much more. It's good to go out of your comfort zone from time to time!
First off, we did what I think was the toughest job yet: removing the sod. Luckily Stephane did most of the work. It's really heavy! Plus, where do you put it all? Currently it's hiding in a corner against the fence. It will be a job just to get it out of there!
First off, we did what I think was the toughest job yet: removing the sod. Luckily Stephane did most of the work. It's really heavy! Plus, where do you put it all? Currently it's hiding in a corner against the fence. It will be a job just to get it out of there!
Next we used an edging around the perimeter. Apparently this keeps the weeds away but I'll believe it when I see it. Nonetheless, it provides a nice clean edge to work with. Then we laid down a weed barrier over the whole area.
We picked up two different grass perennials at the garden center. Karl Foerster, which is a feathered reed grass and should grow 5 feet tall, providing us with some privacy on one side of the deck. We also set in some Blue Oat grass which will fill the areas in between. We cut the weed barrier, dug a hole and filled it with some nutrient rich garden soil, then planted the perennials. They looks pretty measly now but I have high hopes! (No photos of the process since we did this part on a rainy, cold evening.)
Next up, we filled the area with pea stone. Loading up the wheelbarrow, dumping and spreading. I figure we've done three tonnes at this point. Needless to say, I'm a tad sore. I was kind of in my glory though.. I love that stuff!
The lighter color is close to what it will really look like. We had done that part the night before so it's drier. The stone is wet where it has just been applied. We plan to add a small tree where Stephane is standing and a hedge along the walkway.
After fiddling around with the stone a while, raking it over and over to smooth it out, we added our simple slate walkway.
Each piece is actually much closer together than they appear in the photos. Must be the angle of the shot.
Still more work to do yet! Check out the pile of pea stone still to use. At first we though we ordered too much but maybe not! I sort of hope not.. a pain to get rid of!!
It's been a job but we've enjoyed spending our evening outside and seeing it transition little by little. I think it's a bit Asian inspired but Stephane thinks it's Arizona chic:) Still lots to do but we're getting there! I'll be back with another update next week!
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