Project Kitchen Refresh.

We finally started tackling project #kitchenrefresh this weekend! I had stared at those paint chips and tester spots for weeks, perhaps mont...

We finally started tackling project #kitchenrefresh this weekend! I had stared at those paint chips and tester spots for weeks, perhaps months. It didn't get started for many reasons; Christmas, indecision, work, lack of sunlight in the evenings and a multitude of other reasons. I should also add procrastination. That could very well have been the biggest reason!

The important thing is that I bit the bullet and bought the paint, which got the ball rolling. I actually let the very helpful lady in the paint department at Home Hardware decide. I had narrowed it down to two colors for the walls and two for the cupboards and let her to make the final call. Sounds crazy to leave it to someone else after contemplating for so long but I would have been happy with either option.

I painted all the upper cabinets yesterday. Not very exciting since I ended up with the same color I had before (ICI Natural White). Unbelievable, however, how much brighter they feel. I hadn't realized just how badly they needed to be done until I got right in there and spied every missed fingerprint and food splatter.

We also spent a good part of the day clearing out the kitchen in preparation for painting the walls. It took longer than I thought and made for a bit of disarray that I can't wait to get cleared away. We're hoping to get the painting done in the next few days.

I've decided to keep my plate wall so I remembered to take a photo of the arrangement before I took it down. This way I can easily put it back up.

Tip of the day: Did you know that when you are painting around glass (windows, mirrors), the easiest way to get a clean edge is to paint right onto it and scrape it off with a sharp blade later? Much easier than taping and you will get a cleaner edge.

I picked up some Friday flowers. I was so happy to see the tulips in the grocery store and couldn't resist them. It means Spring is coming! It was nice to see a pop of pretty among the chaos of the kitchen this weekend.

By the way, I previously posted about whether or not I should paint my lower cabinets a darker shade than the uppers. From your comments (which I so appreciate!), you seem to encourage me to go for it. Truth is, I'm still undecided. I think I want to do it. I mean, why not? But I can't seem to find that perfect shade. I'd love suggestions if you have some!

Have a great week! I'll be back with a peek at the painted kitchen!

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