How to Reverse Boost Pipes

Boost pipes are pipes that are used in automobile performance intercooler systems. Intercoolers help increase the power in turbocharged vehi...

Boost pipes are pipes that are used in automobile performance intercooler systems. Intercoolers help increase the power in turbocharged vehicles. Intercooling systems cool and maximize airflow from the turbo to the engine, allowing the car to perform more efficiently and reducing the chances of engine failure and wear and tear. From time to time, the boost pipes of the intercooler system can be reversed to help improve airflow.



    Remove the vehicle's negative battery cable with an adjustable wrench.


    Remove any cowlings or plastic covers surrounding the intercooler system using a nut driver.


    Locate the main reverse boost pipe that runs from the turbo to the intercooler.


    Use a socket set to loosen and remove the bolts on the boost pipe coupling, which hold the boost pipes in place.


    Flip the ends of the boost pipe around and slide them onto the ports on the turbo and the intercooler respectively. Tighten the couplings with the socket set.


    Replace the plastic covers, or cowlings, with the nut driver. Replace the vehicle's negative battery cable.

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