
A few books on my mind. 1. Currently listening to  The Power of Habit  I'm not that far in but it is very interesting so far. Listening ...

A few books on my mind.

1. Currently listening to The Power of Habit I'm not that far in but it is very interesting so far. Listening to audiobooks has been a great way for me to fit them in timewise. I listen in the car, running errands, or doing household chores.

2. I am a recovering perfectionist so this book The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown hit home for me in many ways. I would highly recommend this title to anyone, but it is especially great for those who rarely feel 'good enough' on whatever level. It is engaging and very well written. To see Brene's wit and fun personality check out this Ted Talks which (along with the conference I heard her speak at) turned me towards the title. (Crazy thing, this is the first book I have read in entirety on my phone!)

3. Black Beauty - a classic, Mac or I have been reading a chapter to the girls every night.

4. East of Eden - I am taking on this long one. It has been on my list for ages.

Your turn! What are you reading/listening to these days?

Ps. Oh and for the kitchen, I also bought this cookbook and pre-ordered this one. Can't wait to get them in the mail.

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