CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES' GROUP INSURANCE SCHEME, 1980. 5.1    The Scheme, Central Government Employees' Group Insurance Scheme ...


5.1    The Scheme, Central Government Employees' Group Insurance Scheme (CGEGIS) came into force from 1st January,1982. This scheme provides for the Central Govt. employees the two fold benefit viz. (1) insurance cover to help their families and (2) lump sum payment to augment their resources on retirement.

5.2    The scheme has two funds namely (1) Insurance Fund and (2) Savings Fund. A portion of the subscription is credited to Insurance Fund and the other portion to the Savings Fund in the ratio of 3:7. The Savings Fund will earn interest at the prescribed rate to be compounded quarterly.

5.3    All these employees' who had entered Central Government Service after 1st November,1980 will be compulsorily covered under the scheme from the date it came into force i.e. from 1st January,1982. The employees will be enrolled as members of the scheme only from 1st January every year. If an employee enters service on or after 2nd January in any year, he will be enrolled as a member only from 1st January of the next year. However, he will be entitled to insurance cover from the actual date of entry of service till the end of that calender year by paying monthly subscription of Rs. 5/- p.m. as premium for every Rs. 15,000/ - of the insurance cover.

Similarly, on regular promotion of a member of a lower Group to a higher Group after 1st January in a year, his subscription will be raised from the 1st January of the next year.

Note :-    If an employee once admitted to a higher Group is subsequently reverted to the lower Group for one reason or the other, he will continue to subscribe at the same rate as that of higher Group.

5.4    Contract employees, persons on deputation from State Government Public Sector Undertakings, or other autonomous organisations locally recruited staff in the Missions abroad, casual labourer, part-time and ad-hoc employees will not be covered by the scheme. It will also not apply to persons recruited in the Central Government after attaining the age of 50 years.

5.5    Re-employed Defence personnel availing of the extended insurance cover under the Group Insurance Scheme applicable to the members of Armed Forces shall not be eligible to become members of this Scheme until expiry of the extended insurance cover.

5.6    Subscription at the appropriate rate should be recovered by the DDO from each member every month irrespective of whether the member is on duty, leave or under suspension. In the case of absence on Extra Ordinary leave, subscription due should be recovered in arrears in not more than 3 instalments after the member rejoins duty, alongwith appropriate interest thereon. In the event of death of a member during Extra-ordinary leave, the DDO should recover arrears in subscription alongwith interest, from the payment to the nominee admissible under the scheme.

Note:-    Subscription is payable till the end of service including the month in which an employee retires, dies or is removed from service. If an employee dies during a month before recovery of subscription for that month, his dues will be paid after deducting the subscription.

5.7    In the case of members proceeding on foreign service, the recovery of subscription would be watched by the PAO concerned in the same manner as recovery of leave salary and pension contributions is watched.

5.8    The Head of Office should obtain Nomination(s) in Form 7 or Form 8, as the case may be, from all members without delay, and after counter signature, have them pasted in their service books.

5.9    The Head of Office should ensure that Group-wise register of members is maintained in Form 9 and kept up-to-date. This register shall be sent to the DDO concerned once a year to verify whether appropriate subscription are being recovered from all employees who have joined the Insurance Fund or both the Insurance Fund and the Savings Fund under the Scheme and to record a certificate to this effect.


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