How to Adjust Brake Pedal Height in a Hyundai Sonata

If you find that the brake pedal in your Hyundai Sonata is too low, you can remedy the problem. A low brake pedal may indicate a problem wit...

If you find that the brake pedal in your Hyundai Sonata is too low, you can remedy the problem. A low brake pedal may indicate a problem with your master cylinder, but if you don't have any braking issues, raising the pedal height can be done in a few minutes.



    Find how much free play you have in the brake pedal by pressing it with your hand. The distance the pedal moves before you feel any resistance is the free play. For a Hyundai Sonata, you should have approximately 10mm. If you have more, adjust the pedal height.


    Find the pedal push rod, near the top and rear of the brake pedal. It is a small rod that runs through the cabin firewall toward the engine compartment.


    Loosen the locking nut on the push rod, directly behind the brake pedal. It should take a 14mm open-end wrench, though a crescent wrench will work.


    Twist the push rod with a pair of pliers to adjust the pedal height. You should have approximately 180mm between the top of the brake pedal pad and the firewall.


    Tighten the lock nut. Test drive your Sonata around the block to make sure there isn't any chattering or abnormal vibration in the brake pedal.

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